Login to the website and then click on "Become A Member" on the top of this page.
Tryout Fee: $40.00/Player (Non-Refundable)
NSF Fee (Non-Sufficient Funds): $30.00 (Per Returned Transaction)
**All charges except the $40 try-out fee associated with this registration are refundable if the player is not placed on a SFYBA traveling team.
Volunteer Requirements: SFYBA is dependent on volunteers throughout the year to have a successful season. All families will be required to volunteer. Volunteer time can include coaching or helping with our hosted tournaments.
**All players will be required to submit a check in the amount of $400.00 @ tryouts that SFYBA will hold and only cash at the end of the season if the volunteer requirement is not met.
**Alternatively, if you do not desire to volunteer, there is a buy-out option with registration $250.00/player.